WRATH (Rise Book 2) Page 11
Shop owners shout at them as they walk by, bidding them to buy an array of things which they have no need for. Boaden and Presten are propositioned by a beautiful girl who smiles in a not so innocent way. Presten would probably take her up on the offer of pleasure and bliss if Boaden wasn’t there.
Daelyn and Madison both keep their hoods up to hide their faces. They have drawn too much unwanted attention every place they have gone. Daelyn and her parents go to the booth two slots over to buy the meat and grains, while Presten and Boaden barter for fresh fruit and vegetables. “That is way too much for a bushel of potatoes,” Boaden says setting the potato he held down.
“Wait,” the man says scratching his dark beard. “How about two pieces of silver, and I throw in some carrots and apples too.”
“That sounds much better,” Boaden says, filling a bag and then gesturing for Presten to do the same. As they turn to walk away from the table a woman shrieks nearby. Boaden’s heart races, searching for Daelyn, she’s standing next to the booth he’d last seen her at.
Another scream, and another and then people begin running. The bold colors of blue and gold on a large group of men marching down the street come into view, and Boaden bolts for Daelyn. Hesstian soldiers have invaded the city.
Daelyn rushes into him and the others all move through the crowd toward the city’s end. The troop of soldiers, at least a hundred of them weapons in hand, are heading their way. Even with magic they can’t win against these soldiers alone. They get to the horses and rush to load their bags. “We must get to the Delhoon border!” Boaden shouts, and Rorin leads the way.
The horses are pushed to their limit, racing into the woods. The soldiers are on foot and won’t catch them but they’ll likely have cavalry nearby.
Two days. That is how far they have to go being pursued which gives little time to pause. Day and night they ride, the mongleweed keeps them going but even that can’t keep them awake forever. On the evening of the second day, Boaden sees a massive willow tree on the horizon and a white sign that signals the Delhoon border.
“We made it!” Presten shouts, fist high in the air.
The celebration is interrupted by the thundering of horse hooves. A mass of Hesstian soldiers are on the charge. These soldiers must have been waiting for them, hidden in the line of trees.
He kicks Hess hard and takes off like a shot, even tired this horse has never failed him. The others follow and race toward the border with hundreds of enemy soldiers close behind. “Where is the border watch and will there be enough of them?” Boaden shouts to Rorin.
Rorin’s face is all worry. “I don’t know.”
The thrashing of hooves is all Boaden hears until shouts come from ahead and a line of Delhoon soldiers form just behind the white sign. Rorin raises his black flag with the red phoenix so the Watch will know they are friendly.
Boaden is the first to pass through the line and he immediately jumps off Hess and turns, bow and arrow in hand. There are maybe fifty Delhoon guard, not including his own crew.
The leader stands beside Boaden and Rorin. “You must be Boaden Exavior,” the man says with an arrow knocked back and ready to fly. “The queen said you’d be coming and probably pursued, but we underestimated their number. There must be two hundred of them.”
The Delhoon line all let arrows fly when the Hesstian soldiers are in range. Many fall but it doesn’t stop the charge. Hesstians shout battles cries, and their horses screech when they are hit with arrows. Heart hammering as the enemy closes in, Boaden has an idea. He grabs Daelyn, hands her his bow and arrow, “Stay here.” And then gets into line. “If we lock arms we can create a magic wall they will not be able to penetrate,” Boaden shouts up and down the line. “If we do not their horses will run us down!”
The woman standing beside Boaden nods and locks her arm in his, and the others all do the same. A few non magic users step back and continue firing.
“NOW!” Boaden shouts.
Their voices all join together in the spell and a nearly transparent wall forms twenty feet before them; Boaden’s breath quickens at the anticipation of the first Hesstian soldiers. Crack! Several men and their riders slam into wall with sickening crunches as their horses break their necks and the men are tossed into the solid mass. The others behind them halt their advance.
“We can’t hold this wall forever,” the woman next to Boaden says, glancing over at him.
The Hesstian’s gather on the other side of the wall, helping their wounded or pace back and forth waiting to break through. Some of them test the strength by slamming their weapons into the magic shield. “We only needed it long enough to stop their advance.”
They drop the shield wall and the Delhoon charge in first. Magic blasts explode, swords ring and arrows still fly. Boaden hacks down a soldier and then clashes blades with another.
Out of the corner of his eye he sees a blaze of fire start up and Madison running away.
“Pyro,” Boaden mumbles, slicing his blade across the enemy’s thigh. The man falls and Boaden slits his neck.
The line of fire magically moves down a wide line, forcing the soldiers apart or they’ll be stuck on the enemy side.
“They’ll either burn or get back!” one man shouts.
The line of Delhoon fire arrows and magic blasts from behind the fire. Some of the Hesstian’s try to jump through the flames but are immediately taken down by fire or arrows. They’ll need a different strategy if they even want to stand a chance.
The Watch’s lead calls for backup. Boaden stands beside him as he tosses the magical note into the fire. “There is a troop of a few hundred soldiers not far from here. We’ll have to hold off these Hesstian bastards until they arrive.”
“They’ll have to retreat soon or wait for the fire to die down.” Just has Boaden says that, he sees Jordane is stuck fighting on the other side of the fire wall. Three soldiers surround him and they take turns swinging their swords. Spell out of there! Boaden isn’t sure if he’s too tired or not thinking clearly. Madison is firing arrows, seemingly unaware of Jordane’s position. Damn it. He appearus spells just behind where Jordane is and slices a Hesstian in the back.
Wild eyed, Jordane swings his sword keeping the soldiers back and doesn’t appear to see Boaden. Five men notice Boaden and Jordane and rush over, hacking wildly. Boaden blocks several blows but he can’t keep this up. “We have to get out of here, Jordane!”
Distracted, Jordane looks over and a sword drives through his shoulder. He screams in agony and drops his weapon.
“NO!” Boaden shouts and crashes through the soldiers with a magical shield up, they get knocked aside momentarily, long enough for Boaden to grab Jordane and run.
Holding his shoulder Jordane hurries alongside of Boaden but he’s slowing down. “I don’t have the energy to spell us both out of here,” Boaden says dragging him along. His arms even feel heavy at this point. Now Hesstian soldiers are charging at them from every direction and closing in.
“Then we might die,” Jordane says.
Determined not to let that happen, Boaden picks up a fallen spear and launches it at a man on a horse. Jordane drags the man off with his good arm and climbs up while Boaden fends off the soldiers, blocking several blows and with one last effort he sends them flying back with a magical blast, a weak one but it gives him time to mount the horse. They race for the fire line but the horse begins to panic and slows.
“What if the horse won’t jump through?” Jordane shouts back at Boaden.
“Make it!” Boaden says, and Jordane kicks the horse harder.
“Move you stupid creature,” Jordane says.
Boaden gives it a little zap on the hind quarters and the horse sprints ahead and jumps over the flames. When they land back down, Boaden is thrown off and lands hard on the ground, pushing the air from his lungs. He coughs and rolls to his side trying desperately to get air.
Jordane drops down to one knee beside him. “Are you--” he begins, and then falls f
ace forward into the grass.
Boaden rolls him over, and takes a few deep breaths through the nose finally getting some air. Jordane is breathing but the blood from his shoulder wound is seeping from his arm and down his body. It must be why he’s lost consciousness. “I need a healer over here!”
The battle around him seems to be slowing down. The arrows and magic attacks are still flying but the Hesstians are turning back. Madison appears out of nowhere and pushes Boaden aside. She takes a piece of cloth from her hip bag and presses it against Jordane’s shoulder. “Go find Daelyn,” she says, not taking her eyes from Jordane.
Boaden spots her standing far back from the fight where he’d left her and jogs toward her. He’d run faster but his legs are weakening and feel numb. If they’d had more sleep over the past few days, he’d be fine, but that and the battle and he’s ready to collapse. Its only determination that keeps him going now.
18. Daelyn
Daelyn watches the Hesstian soldiers retreating, toying with the cuff on her wrist. She could have been of use in the battle if this damn kirune manacle was off but instead she stood behind the line doing nothing because she doesn’t even know how to use a bow and arrow.
Boaden strides up beside her. “It’s your father.”
Daelyn’s heart seizes and panic rises inside her. Don’t tell me he’s dead. Please don’t say it. “He’s not--”
“No, but your mother needs help. He took a blade straight through the shoulder.”
“I don’t have any healing potion or salves. We have to find some.” Daelyn runs to a woman who’s knelt down beside a few wounded soldiers. “I need some healing potion, anything.”
The woman looks up at her. “We’re running low but there’s some in my bag,” the woman points to her satchel on the ground a few feet away.
Daelyn flips the top open and pulls out a few bottles. None of them are healing potions, but there is a tin can. She pulls the lid and smells the yellowish balm. Healing salve. It won’t work as good as a potion but enough for now. “Where is he?”
“This way,” Boaden says and leads her to her father.
Madison puts a bottle of brandy to Jordane’s lips and runs her fingers through his hair.
“He’s awake now, that’s a good sign,” Boaden says.
Daelyn hands the tin to her mother. “That’s all I could find.”
“It’s enough.” Madison dips her fingers in, wipes the wound with the cloth and slathers the salve on the tender flesh.
“If it wasn’t for Boaden, I wouldn’t be here,” Jordane says and takes another drink. “Thank you.”
Boaden drops down and sits cross legged in the grass. “I’m glad I could help.” He then lays down and stares up at the sky. “I think we need to rest for a while.”
Madison laughs. “I agree.”
Later that evening Boaden puts an arm around Daelyn’s shoulder. She’d been feeling sorry that she couldn’t help during the battle. If she had, maybe her father wouldn’t have gotten hurt. “I need to learn how to fight. I know you’ve shown me a little with the sword but I need more.”
“You’ll learn, over time, if that’s what you want or you won’t and you can use magic.”
Daelyn waves her manacled wrist in his face. “Which can be taken away as we’ve seen and it’s not like I have great control of it.”
Boaden gently pushes her arm down. “It’s only temporary and that’s something you’ll have to learn as well. All of us here went to school for seven years to learn these skills and we continue to perfect them after. Be patient.” Boaden smiles in a mischievous way. “You’re a legend now.”
Daelyn laughs and raises her eyebrows, wondering what in the world he can be talking about. She’d heard whispers from the Delhoon Watch when she walked by catching only a few words here and there. Some said things like, “Is that her?” Others wondered, “Is she the one or the other blonde who set the fire?” Daelyn assumed they’re talking about Madison.
Daelyn isn’t sure what any of them were speaking about. “What do you mean, ‘a legend?’”
“You’re the girl who took down the city of Kezington. It’s very impressive you know. Not even Queen Kyria with her magic enhancing stone can do something like that,” Boaden says. “Everyone in the camp has been talking about it.”
Daelyn thinks back to that moment and remembers the pain and devastation she felt seeing her mother get stabbed. “I think the only reason that was possible is because I thought my mother died. I don’t think I could do that again.”
Boaden’s expression looks serious all of the sudden. “It seems that we’ll soon be at full war with Hesstia. They’ve attacked our border and we assassinated their king. When the time comes, do you want to be at the front of battle with me?”
Daelyn doesn’t hesitate, “Yes. I can’t sit safely away from you not knowing if you’re hurt or dying on some battlefield.”
Boaden purses his lips but says nothing.
“Why, you don’t want me by your side?” she can see it in his face that he does not but she won’t sit by and do nothing.
“I would feel better knowing you are safe away from the fighting,” Boaden says then holds up his hand before she can protest. “But you’re your own woman, and I’d also love to have you with me. Although, I will be constantly worried and in fear of losing you. I’ve never fought in a war, I was too young the last time around, just battles like this and assassinations as you know, but war is long. The next few months, maybe even years, will not be a pleasant time.” Boaden lowers his voice. “And if we’re being honest, Hesstia outnumbers us four to one. Their soldiers are well trained, not as well as us but enough and they have kirune weapons.”
Daelyn’s heart skips. “What are you saying? That we could lose this war?”
Boaden clenches his jaw, she can see the muscles in his face flexing. “Not likely. We are superior but thousands will die, I don’t want you to be among that number.”
Daelyn understands where he is coming from but she won’t leave his side. “I won’t die.”
A man calls Boaden away, and Daelyn sits with her back against a tree munching on some berries. A few minutes later Madison comes and sits beside her. “We’ll be leaving soon. The next town isn’t far.”
Daelyn nods and pops another berry in her mouth. “Sounds good.”
A small leather pouch from Madison’s pocket is placed in Daelyn’s hand. “You need this,” her mother says.
Daelyn pulls open the bag and sees what looks like dried herbs. Perhaps it’s a healing mixture or more remedy for the constant fatigue. “What is it?”
“It will prevent you from becoming pregnant. Mix it in a tea and it will work for a full cycle, although it’s not always effective, sometimes babies are meant to come. You for example, but…” Madison says, looking across the field at Boaden. “Having a baby during wartime is not ideal. Trust me, I know.”
A flush comes to Daelyn’s cheeks. Madison seems to know everything. Had she seen us together? “Thank you.” Daelyn closes the bag and places it in her pocket. “We want to get married soon. I told father.”
“Yes, I heard that. He is a good man for you.”
Daelyn smiles, pleased with her mother’s approval. Even though she doesn’t think she needs validation, deep down she wants her mother to be proud of her. ““How is father doing? Is his wound healed?”
“Enough for us to carry on. It will take a few days for the healing balm to work unless we can get ahold of some potion in the next city. Speaking of you need some on your neck. Here.” She takes a tin can from her pouch and rubs the ointment on Daelyn’s neck wound.
“Oh good,” Daelyn says. “By the way, Boaden and I want to marry on a beach. He says he has one in mind.”
The side of Madison’s mouth curls. “I think I know of the one. It’s a little out of the way, but for a wedding we can manage.”
Verra who had been walking by stops suddenly and heads toward the
m. In a sassy manner Daelyn doesn’t like, Verra places her hands on her hips and stands casually in front of them. “Did you say we’re stopping for a wedding?”
Madison stands and wipes the stray grass off her pants. “I did.”
Daelyn stands as well. “My wedding,” Daelyn says with a smile she can’t hold back. Ever since she saw Verra kiss Boaden she’s wanted to get back at her.
Verra glances over her shoulder then back at Daelyn. “If you think that I’m going to allow you to marry Boaden, you have no idea who you’re dealing with. You may have been gallivanting around with him the past few weeks but he always comes back to me.”
Daelyn is actually quite shocked by her bold talk. Boaden hasn’t given her so much as a second glance for days. How can she even think she has a chance? And always comes back to her? Boaden said there was never anything between them.
“You have no idea who you’re dealing with,” Madison hisses. “If you try to ruin my daughter’s wedding, I will kill you. It’s clear to everyone except you that Boaden wants nothing to do with you.”
Verra laughs, brushing her long dark hair over her shoulder. “You wouldn’t dare. You’d be imprisoned for even attempting to kill me. Not that you could even if you tried.”
That all too familiar look of murderous rage lights up on her mother’s face. A small part of Daelyn wants to see Madison beat Verra but she intervenes before Madison does something rash. “Let’s ask Boaden right now, he’s coming this way,” Daelyn says.
Verra whips around to the approaching Boaden who says, “Ladies, we’re leaving.”
“Go ahead, Verra,” Daelyn says, folding her arms. “Ask him.”
Boaden looks confused looking at each of their faces. “What’s going on? Ask me what?”
The smug expression Verra had disappears and is replaced with a smile. She makes an attempt to grab his hand but he pulls it away. “Boaden, I’m trying to explain to them that you always come back to me and now that you’re home--”
“Enough,” Boaden says roughly, shaking his head. “We’re not together and we never have been. Leave Daelyn alone or you’ll regret it. Yes, she’s going to be my wife.”