WRATH (Rise Book 2) Page 13
Jordane shoves the rest of the buttered bread in his mouth and Madison and Daelyn approach.
“We found the perfect dress,” Daelyn says with a grin. Then she holds up her wrist. “And a blacksmith finally got the manacle off.”
Boaden kisses her hand that rests on his shoulder. “You’ll be the most beautiful bride anyone has ever seen.” With that said, nervous flutters begin bouncing around in his abdomen.
Three days later they arrive at the beach. Small waves roll onto the sand and the sound of water crashing on rocks nearby is like music. The honey brown sand shifts between Boaden’s feet as he rocks from side to side waiting for his bride. White shells are scattered beneath him, and trying to ignore the butterflies in his belly, he counts them. Seventy five, seventy six, seventy seven. Bah it’s not helping. Is it normal to be this nervous? He hadn’t been nervous to marry Daelyn until waiting for her to come down the grassy knoll.
“You’re not seriously counting seashells are you?” Rorin asks.
With a smirk Boaden looks up from the sand. “Not anymore.”
“I imagine I will be nervous when I get married so have to ask. Is it helping?” Rorin bursts out laughing before Boaden can even answer.
“Hush up about it.” The light breeze blows a few stray hairs into his face. Boaden runs his hands over his hair to make sure it’s smooth.
His best friend folds his arms across his chest. “So have you and Daelyn, you know,” he cocks a dark eyebrow, “or is tonight the first?”
In the past, they both have shared their deepest secrets, but with Daelyn it’s different. “That’s none of your business.” Boaden smacks him on the back and they both laugh.
Rorin smiles, staring at the top of the hill. “I’m going to assume you already have or you’d have said otherwise.”
Kendoa and Presten have been in an argument about whether or not a crab could actually cut their skin with its pincers. Something to pass the time waiting for the ceremony, Boaden supposes, but he taps Kendoa’s arm interrupting them. “You know how to do this, right?”
“Yes,” Kenoda answers. He’s the only one in their group trained to do wedding ceremonies. It’s a class they can take at the academy but none of the others chose it.
“She’s truly beautiful, Boaden,” Presten says, and Boaden’s eyes flick up to the crest of the hill where she appears and his hammering heart begins to slow. The anxiety melts away at the sight of her. He’s never been more sure of anything in his life.
Her golden curls wave gently in the breeze. A crown of wildflowers rests on her head and the lace covered dress is form fitting with sleeves that hang down to her hips but it’s her eyes that he can’t look away from. She’s staring at him like he’s the only person she can see, as if he’s the only person on the beach.
Daelyn and her parents make their way down the hill and across the sand, all the while she grins at him. He finds his eyes stinging with tears, overwhelmed with the love that he feels but also for the love he can feel coming from her.
Jordane places his daughters hand in Boaden’s and they smile at each other. Kendoa wraps a thin gold chain around Daelyn’s wrist and around their clasped hands and then carries it onto Boaden’s wrist.
“Please turn over your hands so your palm is facing up,” Kendoa says. He takes a knife and makes a small cut on both their palms, enough that blood begins to pool in each of their hands. “Now press your palms together.” They do so looking into each other’s eyes. The golden chain glows when Kendoa says, “Bindeshka.” It’s the beginning of the marriage binding spell and Boaden can somehow feel his magic intermingling with Daelyn, and he can feel her immense power, so much that it’s almost startling. It is apparent to anyone who saw her in Hesstia that her magic is strong but he had no idea until this moment the sheer power.
Kendoa clears his throat. “As husband and wife you are to be bound in blood and magic, body and soul, love and loyalty. If the both of you agree to this say, ‘Yes’”
“Yes,” they say in unison. The golden chain tightens on it’s own, wrapping firmly around each of their wrists.
“Now repeat after me, ‘Endo miana bineshka.” Kendoa says.
They do so and the sand around them begins to lift into the air and swirl about them, and their palms emanate a white glow. Boaden has never seen this happen although he’s been to a few ceremonies. Daelyn’s hair whips in the magical wind that gusts around them and mouths, “I love you.”
The wind dies down and Kendoa seems a little stunned staring at Boaden. He blinks a few times and then carries on. “You are now bound as husband and wife, kiss your bride,” Kendoa says grinning.
Boaden pulls her in, presses his lips to hers and the others cheer wildly. Joyous tears spill down Daelyn’s cheeks, then she laughs when he picks her up into his arms.
A post wedding celebration takes place at a small inn near the beach. Boaden carried Daelyn up the hill to find the old couple who own the place had set up torches and lanterns, with glowing bugs in jars that ran along strings. Two long tables with wildflowers in glass jars for decor and the food and drink already out and ready. The wedding party eats and drinks, telling stories. Rorin and Presten have everyone laughing, but all Boaden can think about is his bride. He watches her as she laughs at one of Rorin’s jokes and then he can’t wait anymore. Boaden leans to her ear, “are you ready to be alone yet?”
She inclines toward him. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask.”
The familiar ache for her rises in his body and he stands. “It’s time for the bride and groom to turn in for the night. Thank you everyone for such a wonderful day.” With that he scoops Daelyn up and carries her toward their cottage.
Rorin whistles loudly and Presten makes a joke about not breaking the bed. Daelyn giggles and kisses Boaden’s cheek. “I couldn’t be happier right now.”
The cottage is only a few minutes walk and it overlooks the ocean, the steady crashing of waves will lull them to sleep tonight. Boaden nudges the door open with his shoulder. There is a single candle on the bedside table giving just enough light to see the outline of everything in the room. He sets Daelyn down and she turns lifting her hair. “Unlace this dress, will you?”
He eagerly pulls at the string, wondering why the hell there are so many loops and feels his body already reacting to the bare skin of her back. She tugs the sleeves and the dress falls leaving her naked. He runs his hand down her back and then cups her bare bottom. She turns and impatiently tugs at his shirt and helps him pulls it over his head. Her lips find his chest and her nails drag across his back making his body crave her more. Fumbling with the front of his pants, she grows impatient, jerks the fabric and rips it. A moan escapes her as he lifts her onto him and then they fall onto the bed. He can feel her magic growing stronger in the heat of passion as their marriage is consummated.
21. Daelyn
The sound of crickets chirping out the window is peaceful. It reminds Daelyn of the farm and the simple life she left behind. Her head rests on Boaden’s firm chest as it rises and falls. He’d fallen asleep minutes ago but she stares out the window feeling electrified. Becoming one with Boaden after the ceremony felt powerful and erotic compared to the other times. Maybe it was partly due to the eagerness with which her body burned for him, and love making was no longer a mystery. Yet, she felt his magic, it was foreign to hers and strong, somehow they intermingled, she can’t really explain it. Perhaps it was the binding of the marriage ceremony that changed things.
The others at the celebration dinner had talked about not ever seeing the wind and sand swirl around a couple before, they all mused on what it meant. Boaden guessed it was because they’re soul mates, and not everyone has one.
Still pondering what it could mean, she notices that it’s become very quiet. The crickets have gone silent. Perhaps she’s being paranoid but the hairs on the back of her neck rise. The faint smell of smoke sets off an alarm in her
mind. She bolts upright, wondering if something is burning nearby, and silently steps to the window. No orange glow, just the surrounding trees and the cliffs in the distance. Still nude, she grabs Boaden’s shirt, pulls it over her head and goes to the door but pauses with a hand on the doorknob. A feeling, intuition, tells her not to leave her sleeping husband alone. Nibbling on her lip she stalks across the room and shakes him awake.
He blinks slowly. “What is it?” he asks placing his hands behind his head. “That shirt looks good on you. Shows just enough leg.”
Daelyn would ordinarily smile at his flattery, but right now something is wrong. “I smell smoke, and it’s getting stronger.”
Boaden takes in a deep breath through his nose and sits up. “You’re right.” He slips out of bed and hurries his pants on. His sword rested against the nightstand, he grabs it and heads outside. Should I go with him? Half-dressed and no weapons? Maybe not. Daelyn waits on the bed tapping her fingers against her leg staring out the open door. What’s taking so long? A sudden gust of wind blows inside and the door slams shut. A sinking feeling hits her, that wind didn’t seem natural. Claustrophobia creeps in and she dashes across the room tugging on the handle to find she’s trapped. Panic swells inside of her causing her heart to hammer. “Boaden! Boaden, the door won’t open!”
The smoke now rolls inside coming from the wall near the bed, burning her lungs. She holds her hand to her mouth coughing, craving fresh air.
“Daelyn!” Boaden shouts from the other side slamming on the door. “Back away!”
Daelyn can tell by the force and the sound, Boaden is kicking but it’s not budging and for a thin piece of wood, that doesn’t seem possible. Something magical is happening here, she can feel it. The banging stops.
The magic inside Daelyn begins to hum, reacting to her ascending fear. “Boaden!” Daelyn shouts into the silence.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to get you out of there,” he replies.
The smoke is now a thick cloud, every breath hurts and her eyes sting. “I’m going to the window!” Flames lick the inside of the wall, burning angrily. When Daelyn reaches the open window she climbs onto the ledge and bumps into an invisible force trapping her inside. She strikes her fist against it over and over but it’s no use.
The flames grow hotter by the minute and the smoke burns her lungs. Don’t panic yet. He’ll get you out. Then off in the distance a silhouette of a female figure comes into view.
Verra. Daelyn wondered where that wench had run off to. Now she has her answer.
Boaden pops around the corner and reaches toward Daelyn but his hand is stopped just as hers was. He lets out an angry growl. Daelyn, tucks her nose and mouth into the shirt, and points to what she believes to be Verra. Boaden turns then disappears and reappears with Verra in his grasp. She’s smiling in a crazed sort of way and Daelyn wants nothing more than to punch that grin off her face.
“Release the spell,” Boaden says squeezing her neck with his large hand.
“Never,” Verra croaks and begins to cackle. “I’ll already be in trouble for not stopping the ceremony, but with everyone there it would have been impossible.”
Boaden slams her face into the invisible wall. “I said release it now! Or I’ll kill you and the spell will release on its own.”
“You wouldn’t kill me,” Verra says in a raspy voice.
Daelyn peeks over at the fire feeling the heat of it burning against her skin. The bed caught flame and is burning higher than anything else. If she doesn’t get out of here soon she’ll burn to death, that’s if she doesn’t die from inhaling this smoke first. Maybe if I scream I can break her spell, if only I felt as scared or angry as I did the other times. For whatever reason the instinct to defend herself at all costs isn’t there. Maybe once I catch fire… Then my magic will have to react. Then it will be too late.
“Put the fire out!” Boaden shouts. “Use your magic.”
Daelyn had seen her mother create ice before. “How? What’s the spell?” Daelyn shouts as sweat drips down her back. She coughs wildly finding it harder to speak now.
“Imagine ice and water forming. It’s conjuring magic, there’s no spell. Feel your power,” Boaden says placing his sword to Verra’s neck. “You can do it.”
Daelyn stretches out her hand, thinking about ice and waits for something to happen but no blast of cold air comes. The magic is there, humming inside of her so why isn’t it working?
Boaden has that killer look as Verra continues laughing. “No, don’t kill her,” Daelyn says coughing through each word. She doesn’t want Boaden to kill for her anymore. She wants to deal with this woman on her own. She will show her once and for all who Boaden belongs to.
This time Daelyn imagines a stream of icy cold coming from her palm. She pictures it putting out the fire. At that, her magic swells within her, and a wintery chill of snow and ice explodes from her hand. The fire diminishes to nothing, leaving the blackened wall layered in thick ice.
Boaden throws Verra to the ground and Daelyn hops into his safe welcoming arms. It seemed that Verra had recognized it was useless or she just couldn’t hold the wall any longer.
Boaden squeezes Daelyn, his lips swiftly press against hers. “Are you hurt?”
While the two are distracted Verra rolls to her feet and runs.
Oh no you don’t! “She’s getting away!” Rage takes over Daelyn and she pushes passed Boaden to chase down the woman who nearly killed her.
Legs pumping as fast as they’ll go, Daelyn realizes she’s not going to catch her. So she slams her fist on the grass and uses her magic to freeze the ground. A patch of ice grows across the grass at lightning speed and reaches Verra, she loses her footing and crashes to the ground. Daelyn springs to her feet, and seeing that Verra is scrambling to get up, drives her shoulder into wench. They hit the frozen ground; Verra wheezes a breath from the impact but Daelyn wastes no time, grabbing her enemy around the neck and squeezing. “How dare you try to ruin my wedding night! He is mine! You get that! MINE!” She slams Verra’s head against the ice over and over and only when her face begins turning a shade of blue does Daelyn release her grip.
Verra sucks in a breath, coughing but manages to throw a punch, hitting Daelyn in the rib cage. She wants to curl up but instead throws a blow straight in Verra’s nose. Blood oozes down her lips and face. Verra slams her forehead into Daelyn’s knocking her backward.
Slightly dazed, Daelyn gets to her hands and knees and a furious scream rips from her throat. Her magic on its own pours out and tosses Verra hard into a tree, where she lays unmoving.
Boaden squats down beside Daelyn and lifts her face to him. “I didn’t know you had all that in you.”
Breathing heavy, Daelyn glares at him. “Were you just standing there watching this entire time?”
“You seemed to be handling it. Besides, it wouldn’t be right for both of us to beat on her.”
A jolt of energy drives Daelyn to her feet. “Right? She tried to burn the cottage with me in it!”
“If you remember, I was willing to slit her throat and you told me not to.” He cocks an eyebrow daring her to argue.
Daelyn sighs and looks to the still body of Verra. “Is she dead?”
“I don’t think so,” Boaden answers. He squats down next to Verra and moves the hair from her face. “She’s breathing.”
“What do we do now?” Daelyn asks.
“We will bind her magic, tie her up, and let her answer to the Academy Council. Hopefully they will imprison her for a time.” Boaden pulls rope from Verra’s waist belt and ties her hands. “Go get your mother. I don’t know the binding spell but we know she does.”
Daelyn races to find Madison and explains what happened. Her parents angrily follow after her. Minutes later, Madison drops to her knees beside Verra and slaps her face. Verra’s eyes pop open and she scrambles to get up but Boaden holds a heavy hand on her chest.
“Say goodbye to your magic,” Madison says, obviously enjoyin
g the words a little too much. “Es sue hesh,” Madison begins.
“NO!” Verra says struggling against Boaden.
“Nieta veo dyesta,” Madison finishes and a black and gold swirl circles around Verra and then disappears.
“You can’t do that to me!” Verra shouts trying to shove Boaden but his solid frame doesn’t move. “You have no right to take my magic! That is forbidden except by the council!”
“You tried to kill my daughter,” Madison says rising to her feet. “If it were up to me, we’d take your life instead.”
Boaden pulls Verra up by her elbow to her feet. “She has the right under my orders.”
Jordane and Madison tie additional ropes around Verra’s arms and push her toward the inn. “You two try to enjoy the rest of your wedding night,” Jordane says.
Verra spits at the ground throwing a glare at Daelyn over her shoulder. “This is not over.”
“It’s more than over for you,” Madison says grabbing a handful of the woman’s hair and jerking her head back. “If you make one move to harm Daelyn again, I’ll slit your throat.” Seemingly not satisfied by only a threat, Madison bashes Verra on the head with the hilt of her sword and Verra goes limp into Jordane’s arms.
Jordane throws a glare at Madison. Daelyn cracks a smile, remembering this is exactly how her parents were before her father was taken.
“What? Did you think we should have allowed her to keep running her mouth?” Madison asks.
Boaden and Daelyn go back to the cottage but half of it is badly burned and the bed is in charred pieces, crumbled on the floor. Daelyn scoops up her wedding dress and brushes the ash and soot off it. She’s glad it didn’t get caught up in the fire. It’s an item she’ll treasure forever. “When you said she’d be a problem I had no idea,” Daelyn says, glancing around the room.
“To be fair I never thought she’d take it this far,” Boaden says, kissing the top of Daelyn’s head. “I knew she was crazy but I didn’t think she’d attempt to kill you. I’m sorry I let this happen.”